Conceived and led by Peter, a TF father wishing to explore how autism and gender diversity intersect within some of our families. Contact with any questions. Please use the RSVP for Myself ticket if YOU are attending this meeting. If you want to RSVP for someone else, please use the "RSVP for Someone Else" […]
Seres queridos de jóvenes transgénero, no binarios y de género diverso (incluyendo padres, guardianes y abuelos) acompaña nos en nuestras reuniones mensualmente. Juntos, podemos crear un entorno positivo para explorar y comprender mejor la identidad y expresión de género y recibir apoyo. La madre voluntaria, Cristina Vigil y la doctora del Children's Hospital Los Angeles, […]
Please use the RSVP for Myself ticket if YOU are attending this meeting. If you want to RSVP for someone else, please use the "RSVP for Someone Else" ticket. The meeting information (including Zoom link) will be sent to the email address you enter for each RSVP ticket.